This course is available in Paper format and Online.
This higher level Project Management course is a more challenging and in-depth version of the corresponding Level 3 course we offer. Although, as for Level 3, you will look at a tremendously diverse range of subject areas from management, quality control and assurance, finance, health and safety, planning etc., here you will be expected to look at these critical areas in more detail and to add your own experiences to the learning process. In this way, our Advanced Project Management Distance Learning course will give you a considerable range of advanced skills to become a first class Project Manager.
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Categories: Business, Management & Office, Property & Construction, Level 4.
Tags: Management, Project Management, Project Manager.
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Advanced Project Management at QLS Level 4
Course code: BSM26
Delivery method: Paper Based or Online
Course duration: 12 Months
Entry requirements: No prior qualification needed
Award achieved: ABC Awards and Certa Award Certificate of achievement at QLS Level 4
Crucially, this Advanced Project Management course will require you to involve yourself in the issues raised in the course: the course materials are only part of the learning process. You should supplement it with your growing and developing experience that will be gained in the light of what you have learned here. In addition, the experience you already have acquired in the broad area of Project management will be of great benefit to you in producing sophisticated responses to the assignments.
Team Leading
Key Principles of Team Leading
- Know the role of a team leader within a team
- Know how to approach key issues in team leading
- Know how to organise the work of a team
- Know how to support team development
Managing Personal Development
- Know how to assess own development needs
- Understand ways to improve own performance
- Know how to prepare a personal development plan
Developing Working Relationships with Team Members
- Know the characteristics of productive working relationships between a team leader and a team member
- Know how to develop working relationships with team members
- Understand how to maintain working relationships with team members
Health and Safety Awareness in Team Leading
- Know about health and safety in the workplace
- Know the risks and hazards in the workplace
- Understand the health and safety responsibilities of a team leader
Project Management
- What is project management?
- Why use project management?
- Benefits of project management
- What do project managers actually do?
- History of PM
- Project management old and new
- Modern scientific project management
- Gantt charts
- The Fayol management model
- Network diagrams
- Critical path method (CPM
- Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)
- Organisational Structure
- The four basic organisational structures
- Project Life Cycle
- The four stage project cycle model
- Milestones and hold points
- Project close-out
- Feasibility Studies
- The client’s feasibility study
- Stakeholders
- The client
- Define the constraints on the project
- Value management
- Financial models for project selection
- Payback period
- Return on investment
- Discounted cash flow
- Net present value
- Project Estimating and Scope Definition
- Ball-park cost estimate
- Feasibility study
- Costing
- Subdivision of project costs
- Direct costs
- Indirect costs
- Time related costs
- Labour and staff costs
- Material and logistics costs
- Miscellaneous costs
- Initiation
- Project charter
- Defining the scope
- Changing scope
- Scope Management
- Project closeout
- Project closeout report
- Project Procurement Plan
- What is required?
- Sourcing
- Communication of requirements to potential suppliers
- Evaluation and selection of supplier
- Review and evaluate tenders
- Manage the Contract
- Closeout
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Presentation
- Producing a WBS
- WBS numbering system
- WBS and costing
- Further breakdown of WBS
- Critical Path
- Network diagrams: WBS and critical path
- Logic
- Activities in series
- Activities in parallel
- Generation of logic
- Activities: summing up
- Resource Planning
- Estimating
- Forecasting
- Resource availability
- Use of resources
- Resource overload and underload
- Resource adjustment
- Increasing project resources
- Reducing resources
- Controlling the project
- Why control projects?
- Scope of control
- Scope management
- Technical backup
- Time management
- Resource and procurement management
- Commercial management
- Gathering information
- Applying project control
- Dealing with people
- Quality Management
- Definitions
- Cost of quality
- Right first time costs
- QA costs
- Internal cost of failure
- External cost of failure)
- Quality circles
- Quality auditing
- Conduct of an audit
- Why audit?
- Quality control plans
- Risk Management
- Hierarchy of control
- Controlling risk
- Risk assessment
- Identify the hazard
- Decide who might be harmed
- Evaluate the risks and decide upon precautions
- Record and implement your findings
- Review and update your risk assessments
- Communication
- Assignments
Health and Safety
- Legal Framework for Health and Safety
- Sources of Law (England and Wales)
- The HSE
- The Responsibilities of Employers and Employees
- Employers’ Roles and Responsibilities
- Employees’ Roles and Responsibilities
- Client Roles and Responsibilities
- Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Roles and Responsibility
- Policies
- Hazards and Risks
- Effects of Changes to Work Practices
- Risk Rating of Hazards
- Environmental Aspects
- Working at Height
- Accident Data
- Using Risk Assessments in Appropriate Formats
- Special cases
- Workers with disabilities
- Lone workers
- Control and Monitoring
- Hierarchy of risk control
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Controlling the risks to health
- Safe Systems of Work
- Developing a safe system of work
- Work Equipment
- Practical Safeguards
- Guards
- Electrical Hazards
- Emergency routes, exits and emergency procedures
- Principles of Heat Transmission and the Spread of Fires
- Smoke
- Fire Risk Assessment
- Chemical and Biological Hazards
- The role of COSHH
- Incident and Accident Investigation and Reporting
- Recording and Reporting
Course Endorsement
At the end of this course successful learners will be given the option to receive a Certificate of Achievement from the Quality Licence Scheme and a Learner Unit Summary (which lists the components the learner has completed as part of the course).
The course has been endorsed under the Quality Licence Scheme. This means that Kendal Publishing Ltd has undergone an external quality check to ensure that the organisation and the courses it offers, meet defined quality criteria. The completion of this course alone does not lead to a regulated qualification* but may be used as evidence of knowledge and skills gained. The Learner Unit Summary may be used as evidence towards Recognition of Prior Learning if you wish to progress your studies in this subject. To this end the learning outcomes of the course have been benchmarked at Level 4 against level descriptors published by Ofqual, to indicate the depth of study and level of demand/complexity involved in successful completion by the learner.
The course itself has been designed by Kendal Publishing Ltd to meet specific learners’ and/or employers’ requirements which cannot be satisfied through current regulated qualifications. The Quality Licence Scheme endorsement involves robust and rigorous quality audits by external auditors to ensure quality is continually met. A review of courses is carried out as part of the endorsement process.
The Quality Licence Scheme is part of the Skills and Education Group, a charitable organisation that unites education and skills-orientated organisations that share similar values and objectives. With more than 100 years of collective experience, the Skills and Education Group’s strategic partnerships create opportunities to inform, influence and represent the wider education and skills sector.
The Skills and Education Group also includes two nationally recognised awarding organisations; Skills and Education Group Awards and Skills and Education Group Access. Through our awarding organisations we have developed a reputation for providing high-quality qualifications and assessments for the education and skills sector. We are committed to helping employers, organisations and learners cultivate the relevant skills for learning, skills for employment, and skills for life.
Our knowledge and experience of working within the awarding sector enables us to work with training providers, through the Quality Licence Scheme, to help them develop high-quality courses and/or training programmes for the non-regulated market.
*Regulated qualification refers to those qualifications that are regulated by Ofqual / CCEA / Qualification Wales
Method of Study
Paper Based Version
The course comes to you as a paper-based pack delivered by courier.
You will be given guidance through the Study Guide on the nuts and bolts of studying and submitting assignments.
Postal assignments cannot be accepted without prior permission from the tutor.
Online Version
Our online courses are fully digitised versions of the paper-courses, so you can study on any PC or smart device when connected to the internet.
As with the paper course, your online learning programme is completely flexible, so you can study at a pace that suits you.
All of our online course content is broken down into bite size chunks to make your learning more manageable and effective.
Method of Assessment
The course contains a number of assignments which your tutor will mark and give you valuable feedback on. We call these Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). You need only send the TMAs to your tutor for comment, not the self-assessment exercises which are also part of the course to help you gauge your progress.
Course Length Information
This course can be taken over a 12 month period but you can complete it as fast or as slowly as you wish.
Tutor Support
You will have access to a tutor via email who will mark your work and guide you through the course and will assist you with any problems you may have. In addition you will be supplied with a comprehensive Study Guide which will help you through the study and assessment process.
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