This course is designed for those who are thinking of working, or who are planning to work, in a range of childcare occupations. It will provide progression to the Early Learning and Childcare, Social Care and Learning Development and Support Services workforces. To work in a supervised capacity requires a Level 2 competence qualification for which this course is designed.
This course is suitable for anyone working with children or who would like to start a career in childcare. However, please be aware that you will need to volunteer or already be working in a childcare setting for assessment purposes.
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CACHE Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
Course code: CLD20
Delivery method: Paper Based
Course duration: 12 Months
Entry requirements: No prior qualification needed
Award achieved: CACHE Certificate of Achievement
Awarding body: CACHE
This is a fully Ofqual listed qualification designed to meet the requirements for a childcare worker, competent to work under supervision. (Ofqual is the government’s regulatory authority.) Students taking this course MUST arrange a work placement for the whole course and will need the support of a suitably qualified member of staff in the setting who will supervise a number of assessments. The total number of hours required in a work placement is 50.
The arrangement and organisation of the work placement is the student’s responsibility: UKDLP cannot arrange this for you.
Assessments for the course are based upon building a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates practical workplace skills, and the knowledge and understanding gained in studying the accompanying course text.
This unit aims to develop knowledge and understanding of child and young person development and the factors, including transitions, which may affect development.
Contribute to the support of child and young person development
The aim of this unit is for the learner to apply their knowledge and understanding in order to support child and young person development. The unit also includes support to children and young people experiencing transitions and positive behaviour support.
Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
This unit provides the knowledge and understanding required for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.
Contribute to Children and Young People’s Health and Safety
To provide learners with the knowledge and skills to contribute to supporting children and young people’s health and safety.
Contribute to the Support of Positive Environments for Children and Young People
The purpose of this unit is to develop the learners understanding of why a positive environment is important to the individual needs of children and young people and the skills required to support this
Understand Partnership Working in Services for Children and Young People
This unit provides knowledge and understanding of the importance of partnership working and effective communication.
Support children and young people’s positive behaviour
This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills required to support children and young people’s positive behaviour. It requires demonstration of competence in supporting positive behaviour and responding to inappropriate behaviour.
Introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
This unit is aimed at those who work in health or social care settings or with children or young people in a wide range of settings. The unit introduces the central importance of communication with a range of people in such settings, and ways to reduce barriers to communication. It also addresses the issue of confidentiality.
Introduction to personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
This unit is aimed at those who work in health or social care settings or with children or young people in a wide range of settings. The unit introduces the concepts of personal development and reflective practice which are fundamental to such roles, and ways to implement these.
Introduction to equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
This unit is aimed at those who work in health or social care settings or with children or young people in a wide range of settings. The unit introduces the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion which are fundamental to such roles.
Maintain and support relationships with children and young people
This unit covers the competence required to maintain and support relationships with children and young people. It requires demonstration of competence in communicating with children and young people, developing and maintaining relationships with children and young people, and supporting relationships between children and young people and others in the work setting.
Understand Child & Young Person’s Development
This unit provides knowledge and understanding of how children and young people from birth to 19 years develop, including underpinning theoretical perspectives. It also includes actions taken when differences in development are identified and the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development. by a sector or
Support Children & Young People’s Health & Safety
This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills required to support children and young people’s health and safety. It requires a demonstration of competence in recognising hazards and undertaking risk assessments in the work setting.
This course provides successful students with a qualification from CACHE, regulated by Ofqual. CACHE is an Awarding Organisation recognised by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) in England and by the Welsh Government.
This is a competence based qualification suitable for all people seeking a first qualification in child care, providing confirmation of competence to work in a supervised capacity.
Please Note: a work placement of at least 50 hours is required to complete this option.
The course is designed for study by distance learning. Students receive course manual, assignments and study guide plus tutor support by mail and email. You can start at any time and plan your studies over a period of up to one year from the time of enrolment.
Because this is a competence based qualification, students will need to have a placement in a child care setting in which to gather evidence of skills and learning, and you will need to nominate a workplace supervisor qualified to level 4 or above in child care, who will oversee your practical evidence gathering.
Each unit is followed by a written assignment (comprising a portfolio of evidence of learning) , which is submitted and then marked by your tutor. The portfolio will consist of a mixture of knowledge based tasks requiring text based / essay style answers, and evidence of practical skills which include witness statements, observations and discussion records based on your workplace experience. The practical aspects will need to be overseen by a nominated workplace supervisor from a placement setting.
You will have access to a tutor via email who will mark your work and guide you through the course and will assist you with any problems you may have. In addition you will be supplied with a comprehensive Study Guide which will help you through the study and assessment process.
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